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Corpo CriAtivo is a proposal of education through movement, through games and playful exercises. These are activities that work on motor coordination, reflexes, stretching and the various possibilities of body movement. It works with elements of the circus, dance and visual arts, enabling greater understanding and autonomy over its movement, stimulating self-knowledge and respect for differences.

Online and in-person classes

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Along is a time to pay special attention to body and mind. By taking care of our body, we relieve physical and emotional tensions. Let's activate the senses together, become aware of our structure and its functioning, exercise breathing and open listening to the environment around us.  

online classes

Circus classes with Maria Hermeto


Let's move the body and imagination from the magic of the circus. A unique opportunity for children to build their own material for juggling and balance, adding value to making and playing.

In-person classes at the Involvement Space


moving workshops

This project proposes a dance workshop offered by the collective comover, in the online format, divided into three groups with 06 meetings with each class: children, adolescents and adults.

from jokes and  playful exercises, we work on motor development,  motor coordination, reflexes, stretching and  different possibilities of body movement. Education through art and the pro movement

The workshops work on raising awareness based on body structures (liquids, bones, muscles and skin) and on the interaction with space.  It is a study on the joint possibilities of each body. Awakening the perception of the body structure and its functioning, building a relationship between the body and space and working on breathing as a necessary element for the flow and intention of movement.

This project was awarded the Art and School Award, of the Aldir Blanc Law of the Federal Government in partnership with the City Hall of the City of Rio de Janeiro and the Municipal Secretary of Culture.


Acrobatics is an opportunity to strengthen the bonds between children and their guardians, with a playful class that presents the circus technique of tolling (group acrobatics). The workshop was held in person in 2019 at Escola Angel Vianna and in an outdoor space in Rio de Janeiro.

Estou auxiliando uma figura de acrobacia em duo.  Clique aqui para saber mais sobre as aulas.


Misalignment is a study of alignments and misalignments caused by gravity. It emerged from the research of movement in duo with the artist Guilherme Gomes.

From studies of the Angel Vianna Methodology and somatic practices, we activate awareness through movement and, with this observation of the body in action, we get in touch with the customs, postural vices and ways of walking of each participant. During the workshop, we focus on breathing and sensitization of body structures: bone, skin and muscle. Let's awaken a sensitive listening, opening the bodies to the perceptions of individuality.

The face-to-face module of this workshop was held in 2018 and 2019, at events such as the 5th Carioca Circus Convention and Angel Vianna de Portas Abertas.


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